“If ye love me”
An anthem by Thomas Tallis titled “If Ye Love Me”. It is considered one of the most performed of Tallis’ works, with text set from John 14:15-17.
If ye love me, keep my commandments
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,
That he may bide with you forever, e’en the spirit of truth.
“Regnum Mundi”
The inaugural performance of the UGA Men’s Glee Club Varsity Singers.
I have had contempt for the kingdom of this world, and all temporal adornments,
because of the love of my Lord Jesus Christ, whom I saw, whom I loved,
in whom I believed, and whom I worshiped.
“Promised Land”
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand and cast a wishful eye,
To Canaan’s fair and happy land where my possessions lie.
I’m bound for the promised land, oh who will come and go with me,
I’m bound for the promised land.
Oh the transporting rapturous scene that rises to my sight,
Sweet fields arrayed in living green and rivers of delight.
“Come Again, Sweet Love”
Come again! Sweet love doth now invite! Thy graces that refrain to do me due delight.
To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss, to die, with thee again in sweetest sympathy.
Come again! That I may cease to mourn. Through thy unkind disdain for now left and forlorn.
I sit, I sigh, I weep, I faint, I die, in deadly pain and endless misery.
All the day the sun that lends me shine; by frowns doth cause me pine and feeds me with delay.
Her smiles, my springs that makes my joy to grow, her frowns the winter of my woe.